It has been a rather special year with regard to the corona epidemic, we still see no significant changes in the assessment of new buildings in the survey conducted in the autumn of 2020. As many as 79% state that they will assess new buildings when buying a home, and most are in the age segment " young family ”(children under 6 years) who say that they will definitely consider new construction. We recognize this from the second-hand housing survey, where it was most in the age segment 20-34 that we consider both.
7 out of 10 will consider moving from the area they live in today
It is those who are in the group before family who state to the greatest extent that they will definitely consider moving from the area where they live today. These have fewer "barriers" in their life situation that prevent them from moving to another area.
The most important driver for moving is the home itself, after this the following are stated: Proximity to family and friends, proximity to the city and good public transport opportunities to name the three that are mentioned most often after the home itself.
Fixed and predictable price is stated as most important when choosing a home in a new building
Then there is the guarantee - that the contractor is responsible for the home for at least 5 years, which is stated as the most important reason for choosing a new building. But what is emphasized changes through life. Those who are in the segment before family place greater emphasis on the fact that there are less unforeseen costs and lower purchase costs when buying a home in a new building, while those in the pensioners category are somewhat more concerned with a fixed and predictable price and practical solutions. What is involved in the various phases of life should be reflected in the communication made towards the various target groups. When it comes to options, 5 out of 10 state that this is an important criterion for choosing a home in a new building, kitchen and bathroom are mentioned most often in that context.
Do most people know what sharing economy is all about? And are we ready for that?
As part of the green shift, sharing economy has become a popular concept.
In recent years, we have seen that several new projects have the spotlight on this, so we have this time asked about this in the newbuilding survey. 4 out of 10 have heard of the term, while 6 out of 10 state that they do not know what it means. Most state that they do not want to share, but this varies according to age and life situation, the oldest most often state that they do not want to share. Of the various options, there are fitness rooms most people may be willing to share.
76% believe that the developer's reputation is important when buying a new building
When we see how important this is for most people, reputation is something that should be taken seriously and providers should have a clear marketing strategy around this. Visibility of the developer's brand will help to build knowledge / top of mind, here it is important to have control over where the brand is displayed, in which context the brand is visible. is the channel we use through all phases of life, but highest in the establishment phase. Those who are in this phase also state to a greater extent that they use social media, the use decreases with age and then the use of online newspapers and paper newspapers increases.