Dec 8, 2021 | News, Schibsted, Schibsted Bergen
Do you usually advertise on VG, FINN or in your local regional newspaper? Now you can take full control of your advertising with the Admarket self-service tool. Gain flexibility by planning, booking and following up your campaigns exactly when it suits you. Admarket is Schibsted...
Oct 5, 2021 | Schibsted Bergen
Most people agree that goal setting is important for their business, but are you confident that you are setting the right goals for your business? If you set the wrong goals, you may end up with the right answer to the wrong question. But the right goal ensures that you move in the right direction from ...
Jun 10, 2021 | Case, News, Schibsted Bergen
Visit FjordKysten is the destination company for the municipalities of Solund, Hyllestad, Askvoll and Kinn on the coast of Western Norway. Deira's main function is marketing and profiling of the region as a destination, in addition to product development and project work. Visit FjordKysten has 2 ...