
Reach customers at home, in the mode of trying the product!

  • Morning delivery Breakfast package meets people at home «on the kitchen counter»
  • Helt Hjem offers target group management and can meet up to 100,000 households

Our Sampling products

Entire Home: Audience Sampling

Morning delivery: Breakfast package

Coca Cola sent samples to 100,000 potential customers!

95% of the recipients thought sampling was a good way to test new products

Coca Cola tested sampling in December 2020, and sent out as many as 100,000 packages of coca cola, divided equally between Morgenlevering and Helt Hjem. We sent out a survey afterwards which shows very positive results:


  • 86% are in favor of Morgenlevering sending free samples for some weeks.
  • 95% think samples from Morgenlevering are a good way to test new products.
  • 96% of the respondents want morning delivery to continue with free samples in the future