Products such as

creates attention


In order for people to buy from you, they need to know about you

We are proud to offer you advertising in Norway's most famous websites and newspapers.
Here we show you how to create awareness through advertising across several of our publications. These products can be combined with our digital or analog formats!

Schibsted News media PLUS

Schibsted Norway

Our best coverage, all over Norway in a safe editorial context!

Advertisements across Norway's largest online newspapers, as well as a solid selection of local publishers for maximum coverage. From 01.01.2025, we can, in collaboration with Polaris, offer visibility across Schibsted's media house and 61 Polaris publishers! This expansion is called Schibsted Media PLUSS, providing our most comprehensive coverage! Schibsted News Media PLUSS is an expansion of the existing collaboration with Polaris, and will give you as an advertiser the opportunity to communicate your message with a stronger local anchoring.

Schibsted News media PLUS includes:

VG, Aftenposten, E24, Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad, Adressa, Fedrelandsvennen,, Min Mote, Godt .no, Nice, TV Guiden , Agderposten, Askøyværingen, Altaposten, Aesby, Avisa Sør Trøendelag, Bladet, Bømlo Nytt, Brønnøysunds avis, Bygdanytt, Dølen, Driva, Fitjarposten, Fjordabladet, Fjordenes Tidende, Fjordingen, Fjuken, Folkebladet, Fosna Folket, FramtidINord, Froya, Gauldals Posten, Grimstad Adressetidende, Harstad Tidende, Hitra Frøya, Innherred, iTromsø, Klæbu Posten, Kulingen, Lillesands Posten, Lindesnes, Lister24, Marsteinen, Midtnorskdebatt, MN24, Møre Nytt, Nea Radio, Nyss, Opp, Porten, Randaberg24, Romsdals Budstikke, Stord24, Steinkjer24, Stjørdals-Nytt, Strilen, Sunnhordland, Sunnmørsposten, TrdBy, Trønderbladet, VåganAvisa, Varden, VenneslaTidende, VesterålenOnline, Vestlandsnytt, VestNytt, Vigga, Vikebladet Vestposten, Øyposten, Åndalsnes Avis

Schibsted News media

Schibsted News media

Get high coverage and attention in an editorial context

Ads across Norway's largest online newspapers. Studies show that the news media is at the very top as the most effective channel for conducting long-term brand building.

Schibsted news media include:

VG, Aftenposten, E24, Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad, Adressa, Sunnmørsposten, Romsdal Budstikke, Agderposten, Varden, Harstad Tidende, I Tromsø, MN24, Fedrelandsvennen,, Min Mote, Godt .no, Nice, TV Guiden , Strilen, Vestnytt, Bygdanytt, Øyposten and Askøyværingen.

Build a brand with newspaper advertising

Schibsted Big city

Achieve high attention in Norway's largest cities

By advertising across Norway's largest regional newspapers, you know that you are in a serious editorial context, and that you achieve very good local support.

City includes:

Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad, Fædrelandsvennen, Adresseavisa, MN24 and E24

Norway NOW 1 day

Norway NOW - 1 day

You reach a minimum of 1.7 million actual people in 24 hours.

Schibsted has more than 2.8 million digital readers every single day and they use us across our sites and services. No other Norwegian publisher can beat us on this coverage and we can safely say that we are a natural part of most Norwegians' everyday lives. This high level of coverage means that we can offer the market's coolest product for those who need a lot of attention - fast!


NorwayNOW includes:

FINN .no, VG, Aftenposten, E24, Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad, Adressa, Fedrelandsvennen,, Min Mote, Godt .no, Nice, TV Guiden , Strilen, Vestnytt, Bygdanytt, Øyposten and Askøyværingen.

Build a brand with newspaper advertising

Norway NOW Print

Achieve high frequency and coverage with newspaper advertising

Daily visibility in VG throughout an entire week, as well as one optional day in the other publications.

Norway NOW Print includes the following newspapers

One ad in VG every day
One day of choice in Aftenposten, Bergens tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad, Adresseavisen and Fædrelandsvennen

Build a brand with newspaper advertising

Norway NOW Print +

Our largest print coverage package. Includes full magazines!

With Norway NOW Print +, you get daily visibility in VG for an entire week, one optional day in the other newspapers, as well as VG Helg and A-magazine.

Norway NOW Print + includes the following newspapers

One advertisement in VG every day
One advertisement in Aftenposten, Bergens tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad, Adresseavisen and Fædrelandsvennen
Advertisement in VG Helg and A-magasinet

Build a brand with newspaper advertising


The day is not quite the same without…

You reach 700,000 Norwegians in one week through VG's paper newspaper. A weekly campaign with VG Total consists of an indentation every day for a week.