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Norway's largest TVGuide

Here users go to be inspired by what to watch, validate movie / series tips they have received from a friend, follow their favorite series so as not to miss a single episode and find out where they can get the latest the talking point. We are increasingly moving away from traditional TV viewing and into a market where the consumer expects to be able to see what they want to see anytime, anywhere. We spend more time than ever behind a screen to be entertained and on average every adult Norwegian spends 3.5 hours on various streaming services every day.


In a market characterized by huge amounts of content, from everything from small local players to huge foreign media conglomerates, TVGuide is there to help Norwegians navigate their way to a good viewing experience!

For you as an advertiser, this means that you can meet people in a mode where they are actively looking for content.

Charlotte Wold, Commercial Manager for TVGuide


Car survey 2024

Car survey 2024

Every year we carry out the car survey in collaboration with FINN . The purpose of...