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Native advertising

Native Ads has an editorial expression and is special godt suitable for driving traffic to your own content in a natural and seamless way

  • Drives traffic to your own content
  • Opportunity to tell a complex story
  • Et godt suitable format to reinforce the purchase intention
  • Large creative room for action with Native Ads Video

Native Ads

Native Ads

Cost per click


When the value of the campaign is attributed to the traffic volume the campaign drives, it may pay to buy ad format with click price

CPC campaigns do not guarantee the number of clicks during the period. Use the CPC products when the value of your campaign is largely attributed to the actual traffic the campaign drives.
If you want high coverage and reach we recommend choosing a CPM campaign.

Our Cost Per Click products

CPC Native

Native Ads

320x250 px


How to deliver native ads to us

Delivery deadline: 3 working days before publication, no later than 12.00
For sponsorships, there are 5 working days before publication.

Send the material to traffic@schibsted.no

  • Follow the ad specifications below carefully
  • For Native Ads, Native Ads CPC and Native Ads video, include this form
  • Put your contact person in Schibsted on copy
  • Include the booking number and start date of the campaign in the subject field
Cancellation and relocation

Relocation presupposes that new dates are available, and places must be available. The indentation date can only be moved once.

  • Relocation earlier than 10 days before the promotion date: No extra charge.
  • Cancellation later than 10 days before the promotion date: 25% must be paid.
  • Cancellation later than 3 days before promotion date: 100% must be paid.
  • Moving more than 30 days in advance is considered a cancellation and cancellation policy applies.
  • For WEBTV, separate deadlines apply, see specification for video.
Native Ads Specifications

Ads to be provided for Native Ads and Native Ads CPCs.
Schibsted's ad server will optimize delivery based on clickthrough rate.

Fill out the Native Ads Creative Template ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13T3nXqAKlzAUapv74CYFLKOjmhVgzuyeTSRYTCZlwlE/edit#gid=1544994610 )

Advertiser name, maximum 50 characters

Image format: 1200 x 627 px

1×1 ratio
jpg or png
Minimum 150 x 150 pixels
Max 300 x 300 pixels
Max 50 kb

Landing page URL

Ad text, 50 characters or fewer

Plug title
Additional text, 90 characters or less

Statutory calculation examples for consumer loan and credit card advertisements must be entered both in the title and in the picture. This is necessary to ensure readability across Schibsted's ad placements.