News / Norwegians are critical of Norwegian companies advertising on social media

Norwegians are critical of Norwegian companies advertising on social media

2023-07-5 | News

Norstat conducted a survey on behalf of Schibsted in March 2023, which shows that many Norwegians have a critical attitude towards Norwegian companies advertising on social media channels. The results show that 1 out of 3 Norwegians are negative or very negative about Norwegian companies advertising on platforms such as Snapchat, TikTok and Facebook. On the other hand, only around 6% express negativity when it comes to advertising in Norwegian news media.

Source: Survey conducted by Norstat for Schibsted March 17-27, 2023 Sample: 1001

When we asked the same question in a similar survey conducted by Norstat in May 2023, but for ads from political parties in connection with the municipal and county council elections in September, we saw an even more negative attitude towards Snapchat and TikTok in particular. 43% were negative or very negative to Snapchat and 41% to TikTok.

This can be explained by the generally low level of trust in social media. In June 2023, we asked Norstat about trust in a number of different institutions and media. It showed that trust in social media is very low. While 49% of Norwegians have a very high or high level of trust in the Norwegian news media, only 4% say the same about social media.

Source: Survey conducted by Norstat for Schibsted June 19-30, 2023 Sample: 1000