App advertising

App advertising

With app advertising in Schibsted, your ad on VG is displayed on mobile - just a keystroke away from the app download!

This product is suitable for creating awareness and increasing awareness of the app, converting new users, as well as leading to more frequent activity among existing users in the app. You can link directly to the AppStore / GooglePay or to a landing page with more information.

Available with goal management without surcharge on gender, age and geography.

Basic specifications

Logo size Minimum 150 x 150px, Max 300 x 300px
Device Mobile
File format JPG, PNG
Other Text and URL must be provided (see full specifications)
What does the ad look like? Watch live

Ad placement

This product is only available on VG on mobile. Delivered in the same location as the board, on the front page and article pages.

Buy at VG


Our Performance Products

CPC Native


320 × 250 px


Board XL

320 × 400 px

App advertising

App advertising

150 × 150 px (logo)


How to deliver display material to us

Delivery deadline: 3 working days before publication, no later than 12.00

Send the material to
Feel free to put your contact person in Schibsted on a copy
Include booking number and start date in the subject field

App Advertising Specifications
Logo size Minimum 150 x 150px, Max 300 x 300px
Device Mobile
File format JPG, PNG
Text Advertiser or app name
Title: max 20 characters
Bread title: max 65 characters
URL Two URLs must be provided:
one for use when clicking on IOS and one for use when clicking on Android
GDPR, data policy and measurements

Schibsted uses Xandr as an ad management system and it is Schibsted's measurements of ad impressions that are applicable and not other parties' tracking system. It is only possible to use Schibsted data in connection with advertising on Schibsted's services. It is not possible to use Schibsted- data to target or retarget Schibsted's users on other applications or services.

Read more about our data policy for advertisers

Read more about Schibsted's processing of GDPR, Data Policy and Measurements

Cancellation and relocation

Relocation presupposes that new dates are available and that we have available stock. Indent date can only be moved once:

  • Relocation earlier than 10 days before the promotion date: No extra charge
  • Cancellation later than 10 days before the promotion date: 25% must be paid
  • Cancellation later than 3 days before promotion date: 100% must be paid
  • Moving more than 30 days in advance is considered a cancellation and cancellation policy applies.