Home / Products / Digital ad formats / Video advertising / Pause poster



Pause Poster is a VGTV ad format that appears when the viewer pauses a playback. Break poster is a godt product to increase awareness of the product / brand. We clearly recommend sender ID, and feel free to get creative by betting on the ad showing during a break. This product is recommended as part of a sponsorship package, or as an add-on product along with other coverage-building formats. 

Basic specifications

Size 1280 x 720 px
Device Desktop, mobile
File format JPG
File size Max 100 kB

Ad placement

Pause poster is available on VGTV and is displayed when the viewer pauses a playback. The ad is displayed until the user resumes playback.

Buy at VG

VG Kr 250 CPM

Our Display formats



320x250 px



580x400 px

Full screen mobile

Full screen

1920x1080 px



180x500 px

Board XL

Board XL

320x400 px



1920x1300 px



980x150 px



180x700 px (x2) + 1010x150 px



980x600 px

Full screen desktop

Full screen

1920x1080 px

App advertising

App advertising

150x150 px (logo)

Topscroller mobile

App advertising

1920x848 px

Topscroller desktop


1920x848 px


How to deliver video material to us

Delivery deadline: 3 working days before publication, no later than 12.00

Send the material to traffic@schibsted.no
Feel free to put your contact person in Schibsted on a copy
Include booking number and start date in the subject field

Poster poster specifications

Where: Banner on VGTV

Image file:
Must be delivered in pure file format, third-party tags do not work with this product.

1280x720 px

File size
Max 100 kB

Landing page
Comes with associated click URL

GDPR, data policy and measurements

Schibsted uses Xandr as an ad management system and it is Schibsted's measurements of ad impressions that are applicable and not other parties' tracking system. It is only possible to use Schibsted data in connection with advertising on Schibsted's services. It is not possible to use Schibsted- data to target or retarget Schibsted's users on other applications or services.

Read more about our data policy for advertisers

Read more about Schibsted's processing of GDPR, Data Policy and Measurements

Cancellation and relocation

Relocation presupposes that new dates are available and that we have available stock. Indent date can only be moved once:

  • Relocation earlier than 10 days (20 days for WEBTV) before promotion date: No extra charge
  • Cancellation later than 10 days (20 days for WEBTV) before the promotion date: 25% must be paid
  • Cancellation later than 3 days (10 days for WEBTV) before promotion date: 100% must be paid
  • Moving more than 30 days in advance is considered a cancellation and cancellation policy applies.

For Snapchat on VG Discover, separate rules apply.