Do you usually advertise on VG, FINN or in your local regional newspaper?
Now you can take full control of your advertising with the Admarket self-service tool. Gain flexibility by planning, booking and following up your campaigns exactly when it suits you. Admarket is Schibsted 's self-service advertising platform where you can advertise on your own on some of Norway's largest websites. Our websites are a natural part of Norwegians' everyday lives - whether it's reading the latest news on VG, reading financial news on E24 or house hunting on FINN. Your ads will always be in a safe context on Schibsted, with premium, effective formats and unique data.
Here are 3 good reasons to use Admarket:
1. You get access to all your ad reports in one place
All ongoing and previously booked digital campaigns are gathered in Admarket, regardless of whether you have booked with an advisor or on your own. Analyze the results of the final reports or track the results of ongoing campaigns in real time.
2. You get control over your bookings
In Admarket, you can easily set up your digital campaigns in 5 easy steps. 1. Choose website, unit and ad format 2. Choose target group (geography, interest, gender, age) 3. Choose campaign period, budget and see expected campaign print 4. Upload your advertising material right away or later 5. Review and order! Watch demo video on how to book a campaign in Admarket.
It's free and flexible
Registration is free and without obligation, and you of course keep your advisor with us. We also have no system fee. This means that your entire budget goes to the ad purchase, and we guarantee delivery on all purchases (excluding CPC where we only invoice the number of clicks delivered). You get access to all your digital reports and book your campaigns, just when it suits you.