News / 5 reasons to place your ad with Schibsted

5 reasons to place your ad with Schibsted

2023-06-12 | News

At Schibsted, we work every day to be the easiest way to reach the Norwegian people. Here we have gathered the most important reasons why you as an advertiser should place your ads with us.


1. Advertisements at Schibsted receive high attention

In fact, people are 30% more likely to remember seeing a video ad on Schibsted than on Facebook, according to a study we conducted in collaboration with Orkla, Annalect and OMD in 2022 (Schibsted, Orkla, Annalect and OMD, 2022). In a similar study from 2021, we found that for static display, people are 15% more likely to remember seeing an ad on Schibsted than on Facebook (Schibsted, Orkla, Annalect, OMD and Facebook, 2021).

So what could be the reason for this? Research suggests that people are in a more focused mode when reading a premium news site than a social media site. A study from Teads & Kantar shows that users scroll 50% slower on premium news sites than on social media, which increases the likelihood of actually engaging with the content (Teads & Kantar Milward Brown, 2017).


2. Context affects the impact of your ad

Another thing you as an advertiser should be aware of is the context of the platform you are marketing in. Just as it can be negative to be shown next to inappropriate content, being shown in a premium context can have a positive impact on your brand. At Schibsted, we have strong brands that ensure both a credible and relevant context for your brand.

Studies show that there is actually a 48% increase in attention for an ad if it is placed next to relevant editorial content (Newsworks & Magnetic Media, The Power of Context, 2018).


3. People have higher trust in ads placed in news media

Norwegian media enjoys a high level of trust, both among consumers and advertisers. In our monthly population survey, we have seen that trust in Norwegian media is very high, especially in relation to social media.

(Survey conducted by Norstat for Schibsted December 22-31, 2022 Sample: 1002)

And this trust rubs off on you as an advertiser. Studies show that people are 44% more likely to trust an ad shown on a news site versus a social media site (Lumen & Outbrain 2019).


4. Far fewer people are negative about ads in Norwegian news media

In addition to people having confidence in ads shown on Norwegian news sites, far fewer people are negative about ads here. In our monthly population survey, we have asked users whether they are positive or negative about Norwegian companies advertising in various media. There is a clear trend here. People are negative to Norwegian advertisers advertising on social media, while Norwegian magazines, online newspapers and print newspapers are at the very bottom of this list, with very few negative responses.

(Survey conducted by Norstat for Schibsted March 17-27, 2023, Sample: 1001)

5. Our social mission as a publisher

Last but not least, you should choose Schibsted because of our social mission as a publisher. As an independent, editor-driven media, we are proud protectors of Norwegian democracy. By choosing Schibsted, you are helping to support a free, independent press and important quality journalism.